Eurodesk and EMA, the new virtual Eurodesk UK advisor
Eurodesk is a European wide network which promotes European youth mobility and is a central resource for information in this field. Eurodesk provides information on mobility, opportunities for young people and funding deadlines plus much more.
Eurodesk UK have recently launched EMA (Eurodesk Mobility Advisor) which is a bot available in 10 different languages that functions as a virtual Eurodesk advisor. This helps to provide 24/7 information to young people and youth workers. To ask EMA something, users just need to go on the Eurodesk UK Facebook page and EMA is available through messenger.
EMA can provide information about studying, working or volunteering abroad as well as more practical information about living abroad. EMA is also able to signpost youth workers to useful resources and available funding.
When accessing EMA, the user will be guided through a series of questions for EMA to be able to provide them with the information they are looking for. It gives useful links where the user can explore opportunities or learn more about what is happening in the European youth sector.
EMA offers an automated yet tailored service and this is a perfect example of how technology can maximise the time and resources of staff to assist young people, especially in the current job climate. It increases Eurodesk’s ability to deliver information services and empower young people to seek out opportunities.
Our very own Lauren, Dialexy Project Manager, is moving to Italy and she wanted to know if there were any local volunteering opportunities. We asked EMA and Lauren was signposted to various websites such as European Solidarity Corps, EU Aid and UN Volunteers. Lauren was able to get this information very quickly and the suggestions were really useful. At Dialexy, we think EMA is great and we can't wait to hear about your experience with it!
Get in touch with EMA here: m.me/eurodeskuk and of course you can always contact its human colleagues.